Added Entry

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Added Entry Skill Level Fees

Level A
Level B
Level C
Level D
Level E
Level WM
Level P
Level AC
Level F
Level S
Level R
Daily Billfish Points
Level T1
Level T2
Level T3
Level T4
Level DT
Tuna Bonus
Non-Billfish Doubler
Level M
Level BF
Pay Day
Level SBW
Level SBT
Level SBBF
Level SBD
Level SBR
Level SBDP

Added Entry Skill Levels are optional, independent of each other and awarded as follows:

Levels A, B, C & D
30% Heaviest White Marlin 12% 2nd White Marlin 8% 3rd White Marlin
30% Heaviest Blue Marlin 12% 2nd Blue Marlin 8% 3rd Blue Marlin
Level WM, P & AC

Heaviest White Marlin Winner Take All

Level E

50% Heaviest White Marlin, 30% Second White Marlin, 20% Third White Marlin

Level S

Heaviest Swordfish Winner Take All

Level F

Heaviest Blue Marlin Winner Take All

Levels T1 & T2

65% Heaviest Tuna 25% 2nd Tuna 10% 3rd Tuna

Levels T3 & T4

Heaviest Tuna Winner Take All

Level R

Most Release Points by a Boat awarded as follows (no observer required): 55% First Place 30% Second Place 15% Third Place

Level M

Daily Meat Fish: 50% Heaviest Dolphin Daily 50% Heaviest Wahoo Daily

Level DT

Heaviest Tuna Daily Winner Take All

Level BF

Big Fish - Heaviest White Marlin, Blue Marlin, Swordfish, Tuna, Dolphin OR Wahoo - Winner Take All

Level SBW

Small Boat Heaviest White Marlin Winner Take All – Boats UNDER 40' LOA

Level SBT

Small Boat Heaviest Tuna Winner Take All – Boats UNDER 40' LOA

Level SBD

Small Boat Heaviest Dolphin Winner Take All – Boats UNDER 40' LOA

Level SBBF

Small Boat Big Fish - Heaviest White Marlin, Blue Marlin, Swordfish, Tuna, Dolphin OR Wahoo - Winner Take All – Boats UNDER 40' LOA

Level SBR

Small Boat Release - Most release points by a boat - Winner Take All - Boats UNDER 40' LOA

Level SBDP

Small Boat Daily Points - Most billfish points by a boat daily - Winner Take All - Boats UNDER 40' LOA


Captain of boat that catches heaviest white marlin – winner take all.


Mate of boat that catches heaviest white marlin – winner take all.

Non-Billfish Doubler

The tournament will double the listed guaranteed prize money for all non-billfish categories. For example, the angler landing the 1st place Tuna would receive $2000 for the guaranteed prize money plus a $2000 bonus. Each winning fish will count for only one doubling bonus. If an angler lands the 1st and 2nd place Tuna and there is no 3rd place qualifying Tuna, that angler would receive $2000, $1500, and $1000 from the guaranteed prize money plus a $2000 and $1500 bonus. There is no limit to the number of bonus categories an angler may win.

Daily Billfish Points

There will be a daily cash award for the most billfish points accumulated by a boat each day. In the event that there is no daily billfish points winner on a given day, that day’s prize money will be divided equally among the other daily winners.

Level Pay Day

The total purse will be divided by 5 days. Each day's purse will be split evenly among any white marlin, blue marlin and tuna in first, second and/or third place on the leaderboard at the end of the day. If there are no winners for a particular day, the un-won prize money will be split evenly among the purses of the other days.